Toy makers introduced several great spy lines in the sixties: Topper’s Secret Sam, Gilbert’s Man from UNCLE/James Bond and Mattel’s Agent Zero M,
to name a few. The key functions of any spy toy worth it’s weight in attache cases is secrecy and gimmicks galore.
In 1966, the Agent Zero M line (previously western-theme oriented) had both in abundance. Each toy was
disguised as a harmless, everyday item - a camera, a pocket knife or
a radio. Then, with a push of the button it would spring open (Early
Transformers!) into the shape of a noisy weapon. Most of the guns
shot caps. The Movie Shot also made a gun noise by winding the camera. Here are some of the Zero M
items released by Mattel or related to the line:
Movie Shot Camera - unfolds into a rifle
Pocket Shot Knife - pocket knife unfolds into a pistol
Snap Shot Camera - unfolds into a pistol
Transistor Radio - unfolds into a rifle
Sonic Blaster - powerful bazooka
Jet-Coder - secret message kit
Nightfighter Sub-Machine Gun - This camo-beauty is hard to find!
Weapons Set - Secret Firing Attache Case with Glasses, Movie Shot and Snap Shot Cameras.
Undercover Set - Movie Shot Camera and brown carrying case.
Spy Detector Game
Whitman Coloring Book
You can find all of the weapons quite easily for $25-$60 loose or $100-$150 boxed. The
exceptions are the MIB Sonic Blaster which can sell for as high as $175-$250 and the MIB
Nightfighter which is in the $275-$350 range. The Weapons Set and the Undercover Set fetch
$75 to $125. The Coloring Book, Game and Jet-Coder can be had for $15-$25.