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Finger Dings
"Let your fingers be her legs!"
By Euphrates
Finger Dings Remco introduced the puppet concept to the swingin' '60s with the release of their Finger Dings series. These kickin'-cuties, from 1969, were powered by your pointer and middle finger. Millie Mod could go-go dance, Sally could do figure-eights on the skating rink and Betty Ballerina could mince and leap as a ballerina.

Adventure Boy had several action sets including a space set with Adventure Boy as an astronaut with space ship and a sports set with skate board and snowmobile.

If these leaping-lovelies and lads weren't hip enough, Remco released the hard-to-find Pebbles from the Flintstones, The Monkees and Action Boy in 1970. Now you could make your favorite guitar-posing popsters run from girls, jump into convertibles and do David Lee Roth-kicks on stage. Adventure Boy (a Superboy wannabe) runs with his cape flapping, leaps into his Skymobile to streak to the next crime scene and as Remco boasts, it requires no batteries! Adventure Boy also took to the moon with his space craft and white space-suit, leapt on his motorcycle in green suit and yellow helmet and tore through the snow with his snowmobile in his red and yellow snowsuit and helmet.

As you can imagine, the tights that your fingers fit into to took quite a beating. Splits in the tights or in the boots are quite common in loose Finger Dings. It's also not unusual for the boots to be missing altogether.

You can find the first series of Finger Dings, even boxed, for well under $20. The pre-fab four sell individually for a bit more, usually $20-$35. The Adventure Boy sets can run as much as $75.

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