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Johnny Eagle 
By Euphrates 
Johnny Eagle This was another one of Topper's "Johnny" series of toys made for boys. The Johnny Eagle line of guns are some of the nicest examples of toy guns from the Baby Boomer era. The plastic pistols and rifles were very attractive and would mount together on a handsome brown plaque. They were also functional, shooting plastic bullets and firing caps.

Topper made the guns to represent several uses. You can identify the purpose of the gun by the symbol on the handsome simulated-wood stock:

  • The Red River pistol and rifle were western style guns marked with a running horse.
  • The Mugambo pistol and rifle were intended for big game hunting and the stock was marked with an elephant.
  • The Skeet-Shooter was another hunting rifle and was marked with a dog with a duck in it's mouth.
  • The Lieutenant pistol and rifle were stamped US Army.

    The guns have a lot of problems today. The firing mechanisim may not fucntion properly and the shells and cartridges for the shells and the sites and straps for the rifles are frequently missing or incomplete.

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