I love every new vintage Uneeda doll that I discover. These 2 ½ inch
babies from '68-'69 sit in the middle of their own 12 inch potted flower.
The flower opens by pulling the stem down so that you can play with her and
then closes again when it is time for her to go to sleep. Their vinyl
bodies are wired so that they are fully poseable.
Petal People are hard to find in any condition. Most children were unlikely
to “gently pull the stem up and down” to extract and replace their dolls.
You can occasionally find a loose figure but the pot and flower are tough to
come by.
When searching for these dolls on the web, remember that Uneeda also released a
series of 8-inch figures under the name Petal People. They are quite different
than the potted figures.
Rosey Rose
Daffi Dill
Sunny Flower
Dizzy Daisy
Polly Poppy
Tiny Tulip
(I believe that there was also a Pixie Petal People series with smaller stalks and different pots. Will post info once I confirm.)
Accessories and Misc.
Flower Shoppe (Sears Exclusive)
Flower Shoppe with Tiny Tulip, Daffi Dill and Sunny Flower (Sears Exclusive)
Flower Shoppe with Rosey Rose, Polly Poppy and Dizzy Daisy (Sears Exclusive)
Whitman Petal People Paper Dolls